Evaluation of OpenStreetMap Indonesia Geospatial Data: Samarinda and Balikpapan
Evaluation of OpenStreetMap Indonesia Geospatial Data
Final Report
March 2016
Yayasan Bumi & Center of Borneo Environmental Remote Sensing, University of Mulawarman
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)
Project Team
Principal Investigator : Y Budi Sulistioadi, Ph.D
Co-PI : Ali Suhardiman, Ph.D
Project Administrator: Adi Supriadi, M.Si
Field Team:Chaidir Arsyan Adlan, S.Si, Seftiawan Samsu Rijal, M.Sc, Wisnu Kinanjar, Azis Anjari
This project evaluates the quality of the geospatial data generated through the OpenStreetMap program for the cities of Samarinda and Balikpapan in East Kalimantan Province. The evaluation is conducted by comparing the geospatial data from the OpenStreetMap with the geometrically corrected very high resolution satellite imagery and the coordinate measurements conducted in the field using handheld Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver. The point features were evaluated by their attributes, while the line features were evaluated by their geometric accuracy against the referenced datasets. The polygon features were evaluated through a set of metrics, i.e. perimeter, extent, circularity ratio and the precision of their centroids.
In general, the level of accuracy of the OpenStreetMap datasets for Samarinda and Balikpapan are good. There are some errors here and there, but for most cases, the percentage of point and line and polygon features with “high error” state never exceeds 29%. The metrics of the polygon features also show similar pattern and most of them were not significantly different.
Considering this evaluation result, we encourage the OpenStreetMap program to regularly update the point and polygon geospatial datasets especially with current information such as business status and update the geometry of the line features to match with the large scale municipal topographic maps or very high resolution satellite imagery.
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